Who said diamonds are not found on the roads? MTC buses are the real diamonds on the roads. Each MTC bus is an in-house university that teaches Risks, Emotions, Lost & Found, FATE, IT and lot more. With MTC, a journey of several thousand miles begins with one cubic foot of space. Being in Chennai is being a part of MTC. If not, you are missing the charm of Chennai. Each MTC travel tells a story of 1000 tales. Some tales are long, some are short, some are never ending and a few begin and end at the same time. These are stories that are part of our very own journey called LIFE.

A bus journey in general would probably be the first place where we start taking risks courageously. By boarding or getting down from a running bus we risk our lives. Some of us might have had a complexly great fall from buses.At each stage of our life, we have to stop for sometime, we have to take some risks. Intelligence is avoiding risks and skill is taking risks. But, the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing. Our skills automatically improve everytime we fall. MTC is where you get transformed, experience certainity and unadulterated thrill of sampling big things early.
With MTC, it is not the group of 30 people who registered always board the bus. ‘Truly Global’ may not be the right word but MTC is for everyone in Chennai. You meet different people with different emotions. Some are ‘Frustrated’ as they have taken up a dangerous job. Some are ‘Annoyed’ - because of the frequent encounters with conductors for 50 paisa change. Some are happy - as though a ton of load fell off from their shoulders. Some are bored as they had already lived that moment. Some are busy, thinking of Flat world as everything is ordained by fate and some do chatting as it is the most natural thing in the world and so on. On an average 20% of the people will be busy with their mobile phones and its ringtones. You can never get down a bus without hearing a mobile ringing or beeping once. If you are crazy about ringtones, MTC buses are the right place to get to know different and yet new ringtones. You can savour all the little emotions of people which you even can’t see in theatres.
MTC buses are obviously the hot spot where lots of Lost and Found that happens in the City. They help in fiding our way and getting lost as well. The very common things that people frequently miss in the buses are Hand Kerchiefs, hand bags, umberllas, flowers. Most of the time, these items are never claimed. The other important thing that is lost in buses is TIME. Lost time is never found again. Everybody born in this world has lost something and found something. Are you worried about the lost opportunities in Aspire? Are you Lost in searching happiness and forgot the road back to life?? Dont worry. You can find them all here.
Love which is the truest mirror of our life is carried in tonnes by these buses. That is why when you chase them, they move fast and when you are in it, you feel them going very slow. IT connects people, hearts come closer, eyes talk to eyes and that creates so much noise in the buses. With these noises in mind, even the engine of the running bus seem silent to us. For people with tormented soul, they feel the same engine hot and not so cold hearted as the ones who mercilessly chopped their heart. Considering the way the world is… no matter what, we have to keep finding the love that surrounds us. Some call this luck. Some call this FATE - Fatal and Attractive Testimony of Eyes. With MTC you can stay close but not dependant on each other.
MTC follows a Service Oriented Approach that reduces cost and their transportation systems are more flexible. The Charted Trip they run for some of the IT Companies in Chennai is one such example. They have a passion for ‘Going Green’ too. They understand the key components of partnership. The daily, weekly or monthly based bus pass plans show the power of strategic partnership MTC has with its regular commuters. Thus they help build stronger businesses for organizations within Chennai.
If you feel the oil prices are too heavy to feed your bike,
If you feel share autos are too costly to risk your life,
If you are passionate about a journey in rain or heat,
If you are obsessed to meet and greet, the person next seat…..
Welcome to MTC.